HPE 1013 : Proficiency English 1
What I learn in subject HPE 1013 is Proficiency English 1. Proficiency English 1 teaches about language and grammar. It helps us understand more about the language of English which is the language of the world. In this era English is very important because almost 75 percent of the world use English. With English we can increase our standard living and it helps us to communicate with foreigner. So we need to learn English so that it can help us to communicate if we ever go overseas.
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Hello Earthlings! im human just like you~
Short Biodata
Name: Shakir Zufayri Known as: Shakir/Fayri Age: 19 years youngStat: KedahCountry: MalaysiaFav. Colours: Purple, Blue, and Soft PinkLanguage: Malay and EnglishHobby: blogging, Sleeping, Eating Fav Quotes: It's so fluffy i'm gonna die!
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♥ Eating♥ Blogging♥ One D♥ Chocolates♥ Ice Cream♥ High heels♥ Make up♥ Sleeping♥ Natural Beauty
✖ Anons, Haters, Copypasters✖ Liars✖ Snails and all animals that dont have backbones
HPE 1013 : Proficiency English 1
What I learn in subject HPE 1013 is Proficiency English 1. Proficiency English 1 teaches about language and grammar. It helps us understand more about the language of English which is the language of the world. In this era English is very important because almost 75 percent of the world use English. With English we can increase our standard living and it helps us to communicate with foreigner. So we need to learn English so that it can help us to communicate if we ever go overseas.
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